Cheryl Shearer Scholarship Fund

College Major: Teaching (pursuing a degree to become a teacher in English, Math, or Science, including a Teaching Credential or Master’s Degree with the goal of becoming a teacher in English, Math, or Science)

Awarded to a Ventura County resident who is graduating or has graduated from high school, or GED recipient who is enrolling or is enrolled in an accredited community college or four year college or university. Prior recipients may reapply for consideration in successive years. Applicants must have a minimum unweighted GPA of 3.0. Preference given to applicants who recently (within the last two years) returned to higher education after a gap of at least two years.

Essay Required: In 750 words or less, please tell us what you hope to acheive with your degree or certificate, and what is the importance of seeking this degree/certificate in your future success? If you are returning to school after a gap, please also explain your decision to go back to school.

Supplemental Questions
  1. In 750 words or less, please tell us what you hope to achieve with your degree or certificate, and what is the importance of seeking this degree/certificate in your future success? If you are returning to school after a gap, please also explain your decision to go back to school.